The good news is that running this command on the front end solved the problem and users were once again able to join meetings! 🙂Ĭhrome: Authention Required Login Box Solution: Perhaps a Lync server patch caused an issue, or some other configuration or topology change did. While I hadn’t actually changed the Simple URLs, I thought it might be worth running the Enable-CSComputer command anyway – perhaps it would reinstall any URL rewrite rules which, I was sure, were causing the Meeting URLs to fail. Whenever you change a simple URL name, however, you must run Enable-CsComputer on each Director and Front End Server to register the change. Going back to basics, I read the “ Planning for Simple URLs” article on Technet.
In trying to figure out what was going wrong I read a few manuals and blogs but nothing really pointed me to the exact cause. We were pretty sure it was working prior and had no ‘change’ we could point out as being responsible. In the last couple of days it was noticed that the meeting URLs were not working and users could not join meetings. We have a Lync 2013 installation that was recently upgraded from Lync 2010.